
Being a great worker?

How come whenever big corporations or businesses find ways to make the cheapest products while paying the lowest wages to make big profits are deemed very successful businesses? But god forbid if you find a way at work to skate by and still get paid good money you are a scum bag. In my opinion you are just utilizing effect ways to maximize yourself. I have a federal union job and get paid the most I’ve ever made in my life while doing the least amount of work I’ve ever done in my life (at a job anyway). Some days I don’t do anything, I just go to work play cards or Catan, sit on my phone and then go home at the designated time. I even earned my bachelor’s degree at work. So tell me how you are a great employee utilizing the best techniques to maximize yourself?!

How come whenever big corporations or businesses find ways to make the cheapest products while paying the lowest wages to make big profits are deemed very successful businesses? But god forbid if you find a way at work to skate by and still get paid good money you are a scum bag. In my opinion you are just utilizing effect ways to maximize yourself. I have a federal union job and get paid the most I’ve ever made in my life while doing the least amount of work I’ve ever done in my life (at a job anyway). Some days I don’t do anything, I just go to work play cards or Catan, sit on my phone and then go home at the designated time. I even earned my bachelor’s degree at work.

So tell me how you are a great employee utilizing the best techniques to maximize yourself?!

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