
Being removed by duplicitous, evil management techniques

I got called in to HR at no notice to be given a letter of notice of intent and suspended for a week. They’re removing me from my role In the most unethical and bullshit way possible – getting my colleagues to complain about messages I sent. One was an autism survey to someone who I’ve had long discussions about neurodivergences etc, and the other a pic of clothed male sex dolls as joke about being single now. So they’re getting me on social media and code of conduct – because they have built up similar * heineous * accusations against me in the past. Payback for taking them on with Workcover for being bullied by my manager… I was a fool to come back and think the team would be on my side.

I got called in to HR at no notice to be given a letter of notice of intent and suspended for a week. They’re removing me from my role In the most unethical and bullshit way possible – getting my colleagues to complain about messages I sent. One was an autism survey to someone who I’ve had long discussions about neurodivergences etc, and the other a pic of clothed male sex dolls as joke about being single now.
So they’re getting me on social media and code of conduct – because they have built up similar * heineous * accusations against me in the past.

Payback for taking them on with Workcover for being bullied by my manager… I was a fool to come back and think the team would be on my side.

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