
Bereavement Dispute

My department is currently shifting people around and as of last Friday I now report to someone new. On Monday, I received news that my fiancés aunt passed away and so i immediately let my (former) supervisor know that I may need to take Friday off depending if that is when the funeral is. Yesterday we find out the funeral will be this Friday so I go ahead and book my bereavement leave for Friday so I can be with my fiancés family at the wake. Well, this morning I receive a message from my new supervisor asking me why I am out on Friday. I explained to him the situation and apologized for not letting him know immediately on Monday as I forgot I now report to him. I then let him know that my request for bereavement should be in his inbox as I requested the day. He…

My department is currently shifting people around and as of last Friday I now report to someone new. On Monday, I received news that my fiancés aunt passed away and so i immediately let my (former) supervisor know that I may need to take Friday off depending if that is when the funeral is. Yesterday we find out the funeral will be this Friday so I go ahead and book my bereavement leave for Friday so I can be with my fiancés family at the wake.

Well, this morning I receive a message from my new supervisor asking me why I am out on Friday. I explained to him the situation and apologized for not letting him know immediately on Monday as I forgot I now report to him. I then let him know that my request for bereavement should be in his inbox as I requested the day. He proceeds to ask me “whose funeral” I said “my fiancés uncle” and he then proceeds to say “I need to check if you get time for an uncles passing.” And then sends me the companies bereavement policy followed by “I have to look into it. I was going to work on something new with you on Friday but the funeral prevails.” And he goes and approves my time.

Am I in the wrong here to be upset? I want to respond the following but I don’t know if its even worth it.

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