
Best Sustainable Political System

I see a lot of people pushing back against unfair work practices (some justified, some not so much) and I feel like the overall issue may be our political system fueling the need to push workers/managers over the edge. Just curious about your thoughts on how this could be corrected and what political system would benefit all? While capitalism is great for us select few, it isn't sustainable for the entire world. Hope this makes sense and forgive my ignorance in advance

I see a lot of people pushing back against unfair work practices (some justified, some not so much) and I feel like the overall issue may be our political system fueling the need to push workers/managers over the edge. Just curious about your thoughts on how this could be corrected and what political system would benefit all? While capitalism is great for us select few, it isn't sustainable for the entire world. Hope this makes sense and forgive my ignorance in advance

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