
Big boss pulled a shady tactic to terminate us

As of Tuesday, my partner and I are both unemployed. We worked for the same company for 2 years and already had a lot of issues with the company for lack of employee raises, minimal wages, no benefits our entire time there, etc. Because of a small error outside of our control (a tenant in the mall we worked at decided to stay after hours without telling anyone and unlocked a deadbolted door, also without telling anyone), my partner was terminated for his job. The big boss last week said he wanted to meet with my partner to discuss either steps of improvement or moving him to a new site to work. Instead, he went in and fired my partner instantly. Our supervisor was actually a really nice guy, honest and upfront with us about everything, and even he didn't know the big boss was going to pull this stunt…

As of Tuesday, my partner and I are both unemployed. We worked for the same company for 2 years and already had a lot of issues with the company for lack of employee raises, minimal wages, no benefits our entire time there, etc. Because of a small error outside of our control (a tenant in the mall we worked at decided to stay after hours without telling anyone and unlocked a deadbolted door, also without telling anyone), my partner was terminated for his job.

The big boss last week said he wanted to meet with my partner to discuss either steps of improvement or moving him to a new site to work. Instead, he went in and fired my partner instantly. Our supervisor was actually a really nice guy, honest and upfront with us about everything, and even he didn't know the big boss was going to pull this stunt since he was told by the same boss it was going to be a site transfer. When I found out, (my shift was about to start in ~20 mins) I quit on the spot. The big boss's reaction was, “You're done too? Okay.” and shrugged. It was pretty clear I was next to be fired by his reaction.

To make things worse, this was the same boss I worked with on another site last summer that deemed none of us employees needed water during a 30°C+ outdoor event in direct sun and full body gear. 6 of us 12 employees got heat exhausion that day. I and my other supervisor paid our own money to get water for everyone.

This same big boss has since been threatening to remove all senior employees from the final site we were on and start fresh for the past several months. My partner and I were the last senior employees on the site. Now the only staff (besides the supervisor) are no older than 3 months with the company. Now were stuck because there are several hours over the last few months that I was never paid for and they're still refusing to pay up, plus my partner has not received any vacation payout or ROE after they told us it would be ready this past Thursday.

We are 100% pissed by this situation and can't even by groceries until the company pays us out in as early as 2-3 week (and we have rent to pay!).

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