
Big boy jobs getting paid 6 figures to make decisions.

My roommate fresh out of college went to a job interview for practice, because he thought there was no way he’d get this job as a project manager for a major construction company in the US making 6 figures. So when they asked him how well he works with others. He told them he hates most people and isn’t here to make friends, only money. They told him “We think you’re a perfect fit for this company, welcome aboard!” that’s what they want in this country. Things are getting so out of hand. I work a union job and pay monthly dues. I’m working a Tuesday Wednesday off 3rd shift job with no differential in pay and am having to work 6 days this week over 40 hours for straight time. I have a college degree but this job still has better benefits then most in my line of work.…

My roommate fresh out of college went to a job interview for practice, because he thought there was no way he’d get this job as a project manager for a major construction company in the US making 6 figures. So when they asked him how well he works with others. He told them he hates most people and isn’t here to make friends, only money. They told him “We think you’re a perfect fit for this company, welcome aboard!” that’s what they want in this country. Things are getting so out of hand. I work a union job and pay monthly dues. I’m working a Tuesday Wednesday off 3rd shift job with no differential in pay and am having to work 6 days this week over 40 hours for straight time. I have a college degree but this job still has better benefits then most in my line of work. So here I am after almost 5 years. It’s insane. Yet if we try to go against them (we never will because they’ve made us so divided as a country) they’d just shoot all of us until we went back to work lol.

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