
Big corporations don’t care for employees

Here in Texas, the roads are bad and iced over. Texas doesn’t salt their roads like they should nor do we Texans spend money on snow tires to be used and this type of weather barely ever happens here and the company I work for isn’t allowing me to 1) work from home and 2) they aren’t giving us these days off since the building is closed ANYWAY. It’s been 3 days and will be 4 tomorrow that I could not work due to natural weather conditions and that’s a big chunk of my paycheck. When I asked this company if there’s any other options, I was told to either take the days off without pay or risk my life and come in everyday even tho no one will be there. Companies like this are typically the ones with super high turnover rates and employees that simply don’t care. I…

Here in Texas, the roads are bad and iced over. Texas doesn’t salt their roads like they should nor do we Texans spend money on snow tires to be used and this type of weather barely ever happens here and the company I work for isn’t allowing me to 1) work from home and 2) they aren’t giving us these days off since the building is closed ANYWAY. It’s been 3 days and will be 4 tomorrow that I could not work due to natural weather conditions and that’s a big chunk of my paycheck.

When I asked this company if there’s any other options, I was told to either take the days off without pay or risk my life and come in everyday even tho no one will be there. Companies like this are typically the ones with super high turnover rates and employees that simply don’t care. I do billing so my job can easily be done remotely. Trying not to look for a new job with inflation doing what it’s doing but I can’t keep working for a job that clearly doesn’t give a shit about its employees.

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