
Bit of a fun one

Late last week my company issued all staff with new employment contracts without any background and requested them back by the following Monday, being a legal/accounting/contract management firm more than a few questions got raised, multiple documents marked up, lawyers engaged and no contracts got signed. Today an email from the CEO with profuse apologies and claims of some unspecified mistake lead to this… But we all picked up a bit of a raise in the process so that’s something lol.. it’s literally my whole job to call out fukery like this.

Late last week my company issued all staff with new employment contracts without any background and requested them back by the following Monday, being a legal/accounting/contract management firm more than a few questions got raised, multiple documents marked up, lawyers engaged and no contracts got signed.
Today an email from the CEO with profuse apologies and claims of some unspecified mistake lead to this…

But we all picked up a bit of a raise in the process so that’s something lol..

it’s literally my whole job to call out fukery like this.

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