
bitch boss

Okay long story short, I (22F, I live in Quebec if it help) have a bitchy boss that tries to save as much money as possible (like any other bosses) and I think she's not paying us for our entire shift. Which is shitty cause we work for the hotel reception, alone for most of our shift and we don't get breaks or meal breaks, we basically are stuck bringing our lunch and eat it whenever there's time between clients. I seriously think she tries not to pay everyone's shift, for fuck sake she bitched about me to a collègue about me only clocking out when my bus gets there “oh I'm not paying for her to wait for the bus” seriously fuck that my bus is every hour, if I miss the one a 7h10 because the next person is late I have to wait until 8h10 to get…

Okay long story short, I (22F, I live in Quebec if it help) have a bitchy boss that tries to save as much money as possible (like any other bosses) and I think she's not paying us for our entire shift. Which is shitty cause we work for the hotel reception, alone for most of our shift and we don't get breaks or meal breaks, we basically are stuck bringing our lunch and eat it whenever there's time between clients. I seriously think she tries not to pay everyone's shift, for fuck sake she bitched about me to a collègue about me only clocking out when my bus gets there “oh I'm not paying for her to wait for the bus” seriously fuck that my bus is every hour, if I miss the one a 7h10 because the next person is late I have to wait until 8h10 to get the next one or call a cab, so I stay clocked in because I still do the job, I'm still at the reception help clients while I'm clocked in, I still do every task. It's just that I wait for the next goddam bus, I'm not gonna clock out and wait for an hour. I also started writing down my hours in my phone a week ago to keep track of what time I do in case she under pays me

Any advice to how I should adress this because I'm about to loose my fucking mind on this stupid bitch. Am a hair thin of going in to see her and just insulting her until she fires me so I can get my 2 weeks paid.

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