
Bonus incentive program

Instead of Christmas bonuses this year, my job has rolled out a quarterly bonus incentive program. Everyone starts out with a 2% bonus, plus another 2% for not being tardy, another 2% for no unexcused absences and another 2% for complying with all company good manufacturing policies. Miss a day or get a corrective action against you and you lose the whole bonus. On my first day back after New Years break, I clocked in from my lunch a few seconds early. Company policy states I must take a 30 min lunch, but because I clocked in a few seconds early, it shows up as me only taking a 29 minute lunch in the time tracking system. I got an email from HR threatening to take away my bonus over it. Inquired how many seconds early I was, but HR can't tell me because it rounds up to the nearest…

Instead of Christmas bonuses this year, my job has rolled out a quarterly bonus incentive program. Everyone starts out with a 2% bonus, plus another 2% for not being tardy, another 2% for no unexcused absences and another 2% for complying with all company good manufacturing policies. Miss a day or get a corrective action against you and you lose the whole bonus.

On my first day back after New Years break, I clocked in from my lunch a few seconds early. Company policy states I must take a 30 min lunch, but because I clocked in a few seconds early, it shows up as me only taking a 29 minute lunch in the time tracking system.

I got an email from HR threatening to take away my bonus over it.

Inquired how many seconds early I was, but HR can't tell me because it rounds up to the nearest minute. HR also said I have a 5 minute grace period after lunch to clock back in.

Since then I've been taking 34 minutes lunches instead of 30.

I am also in a supervisor position, so I'm one of the persons responsible for logging GMP and company policy violations which will cost my coworkers their bonus. I used to file at least one GMP violation a day so it looked like I was doing my job, but that's not happening anymore, as far as Im concerned the company policy is working so well that all the GMP violations magically went away.

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