
Bonuses for attendance

People at my work received bonuses for perfect attendance, however many employees caught covid or have chronic illness which prevented them from obtaining these bonuses. Curious what y’all think about this practice, IMO it incentivizes coming to work sick and jeopardizes moral of the employees who have been forced to take days off work to take care of themselves or sick kids and family members. To me it seems like almost more of a fuck you to people with other responsibilities than it is a praise to hard working employees. Many of my coworkers who have missed work have put in more work than the part timers who have made it to every shift. Anyway thanks for listening to my rant, Reddit, curious if y’all have any insight or anything positive to say. I am happy for those who got extra money! Just seems like a scummy way to dish…

People at my work received bonuses for perfect attendance, however many employees caught covid or have chronic illness which prevented them from obtaining these bonuses. Curious what y’all think about this practice, IMO it incentivizes coming to work sick and jeopardizes moral of the employees who have been forced to take days off work to take care of themselves or sick kids and family members. To me it seems like almost more of a fuck you to people with other responsibilities than it is a praise to hard working employees. Many of my coworkers who have missed work have put in more work than the part timers who have made it to every shift.
Anyway thanks for listening to my rant, Reddit, curious if y’all have any insight or anything positive to say.
I am happy for those who got extra money! Just seems like a scummy way to dish it out.

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