
Boomer boss gets upset that my desk is tidy because it looks like I’m not working…

Apparently if you use a computer for the majority of your work but don't have unnecessary papers lying all around you, you're a lazy POS. I work in a typical office (cubicle style while bosses get enclosed offices). My boss walks by my desk fairly often and occasionally makes a comment “jokingly,” sometimes not jokingly, that I need to put something on my desk otherwise it looks like I'm not working. I've explained to him I'm using my computer so don't need papers, but he insists, especially if guests visit the office. It's starting to get on my nerves. I placed a single binder on my desk and moved my water bottle over and it seems to have worked for now, but I just find it to be so stupid and trivial. I get overwhelmed having a messy desk and don't understand the insane amount of printing offices do on…

Apparently if you use a computer for the majority of your work but don't have unnecessary papers lying all around you, you're a lazy POS.

I work in a typical office (cubicle style while bosses get enclosed offices). My boss walks by my desk fairly often and occasionally makes a comment “jokingly,” sometimes not jokingly, that I need to put something on my desk otherwise it looks like I'm not working. I've explained to him I'm using my computer so don't need papers, but he insists, especially if guests visit the office. It's starting to get on my nerves. I placed a single binder on my desk and moved my water bottle over and it seems to have worked for now, but I just find it to be so stupid and trivial.

I get overwhelmed having a messy desk and don't understand the insane amount of printing offices do on a daily basis anyway. What's up with that? All this unneeded paper waste and hundreds, if not, thousands, spent on printer ink each year when so many things could just be sent digitally and save time and money.

Anyway, as a millennial about to turn 30 on Saturday, I'm ready for more of us (and younger) to start taking over these managerial positions so that the 20th century can finally be left behind instead of digging its heels into the ground on its way to the grave.

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