
Boss accused me of taking time off for partying/resting after partying even though he knew I have Corona

First of all, excuse my english, it is not my native language, I am from Europe but not from an English speaking country. Now onto my story. I work as a waitress in a pretty famuous coffee place in our town, it's hell and ever since I've started I've been looking for another job, the only reason I'm still here is because the pay is not that bad (still not enough to compensate the work we do as we work alone in a really big rush all the time, it's awful) and because I'm looking for jobs outside of waitressing which are harder to find with my education. Anyway, last week me and my partner were on vacation and when we returned (Monday) we found out we have corona virus. Now in my country, the law is basically corona=a cold and my boss said I have to come to work…

First of all, excuse my english, it is not my native language, I am from Europe but not from an English speaking country. Now onto my story.
I work as a waitress in a pretty famuous coffee place in our town, it's hell and ever since I've started I've been looking for another job, the only reason I'm still here is because the pay is not that bad (still not enough to compensate the work we do as we work alone in a really big rush all the time, it's awful) and because I'm looking for jobs outside of waitressing which are harder to find with my education.
Anyway, last week me and my partner were on vacation and when we returned (Monday) we found out we have corona virus. Now in my country, the law is basically corona=a cold and my boss said I have to come to work unless I'm feeling sick (even though I work with food and drinks and a lot of our guests are older people). I worked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but then I got a pretty strong fever and cough and muscle aches and I had to call in sick.
So on Friday my coworker texts me that the boss asked when he came in in the morning: Where's the Corona girl? And she told him that I had to call in sick and he responded: Oh right, on vacation she partied and stayed out all night and now she's hungover and wants to rest.

And I'm just so pissed. My plan when I next see the asshole (on Tuesday) is to show him my positive Corona test (not the home one but the official one you have to get from the doctor) and just passively tell him: Just so you know I wasn't home to rest from too much partying.

Not sure what to expect in terms of response but my coworkers tell me he's an asshole if you stant up for yourself/say anything not to his liking even if you're right. Any suggestions on how to handle this? Do I even say anything? I really want to but I don't want to lose the job even if I hate it at least not until I find another one. Ty for listening (reading?) my rant, any advice is welcome

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