
Boss claims she is “Very disappointed by my performance and had high expectations from me” but is not firing me?

Hello all, for context: I was hired to my current job directly from my other job (poached in a sense) about a month and a half ago as a lead for the team. I am still in my probationary period. I just received a message from my general manager that I will be getting demoted from team lead to regular employee as of next Sunday as she is “Very disappointed by my performance and had high expectations of me”. The weird thing is that she will continue to pay me my higher wage of 20$ an hour vs minimum. Exactly what is going on here? Should I start looking for a new job because she may start not giving me hours? I feel like this all makes no sense. TLDR: Boss claims I am not doing a good job in my probationary period at the store. She is demoting me…

Hello all, for context:

I was hired to my current job directly from my other job (poached in a sense) about a month and a half ago as a lead for the team. I am still in my probationary period. I just received a message from my general manager that I will be getting demoted from team lead to regular employee as of next Sunday as she is “Very disappointed by my performance and had high expectations of me”. The weird thing is that she will continue to pay me my higher wage of 20$ an hour vs minimum. Exactly what is going on here? Should I start looking for a new job because she may start not giving me hours? I feel like this all makes no sense.

TLDR: Boss claims I am not doing a good job in my probationary period at the store. She is demoting me effective as of this weekend but is maintaining my wage. What is going on? Should I look for a new job?

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