
Not enough Notice of Schedule

I work at a wholesale bakery in a very rural area of WA state. It’s a small business. The manager makes the schedule but she regularly doesn’t make or post the schedule until the last scheduled day. So for example, I know I’m scheduled tomorrow but from Thursday on I have no clue when I am working. Knowing her we won’t know the schedule until less than 24 hours before the next scheduled week. The owner and office manager know about this, they’ve talked with her about it, and things got better temporarily but she gets “busy” and forgets and it’s back to the same BS. I know it’s not illegal to do this, I’ve looked it up. There are a few states and cities where there is a law now, Seattle made it a law that employers must give 14 days notice of schedule. But I’m not in Seattle,…

I work at a wholesale bakery in a very rural area of WA state. It’s a small business. The manager makes the schedule but she regularly doesn’t make or post the schedule until the last scheduled day. So for example, I know I’m scheduled tomorrow but from Thursday on I have no clue when I am working. Knowing her we won’t know the schedule until less than 24 hours before the next scheduled week. The owner and office manager know about this, they’ve talked with her about it, and things got better temporarily but she gets “busy” and forgets and it’s back to the same BS.

I know it’s not illegal to do this, I’ve looked it up. There are a few states and cities where there is a law now, Seattle made it a law that employers must give 14 days notice of schedule. But I’m not in Seattle, I’m in bumfuck nowhere with zero resources.

I’m thinking about just not showing up. I don’t think I could convince many of my coworkers to not show up together, maybe one or two but not all. I feel like texting my manager, “hey if we don’t get the schedule today please don’t expect me to show up on Thursday” but I expect that would just get me into trouble.

Anyone else been in this situation before? Would love to hear any stories but especially ones where you figured out how to get your manager to make the fucking schedule on time consistently!

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