
Boss cut my hours to avoid paying my bonus

When I was hired for my current role (full-time, salary) part of my contract stipulated that after one year of employment I would be guaranteed a cash bonus. This bonus was not dependent on performance or a review, just that I needed to be working at the company for 1 year. The team recently underwent a series of lay-offs, and while I wasn’t laid-off, my hours were cut pretty drastically. I haven’t signed an updated contract. My one year anniversary at this company is coming up in a couple of weeks and I haven’t heard anything about my bonus. Should I ask if it’s still guaranteed? Do I have any recourse if he says that it’s no longer available? The bonus was a big reason why I took the job because the salary and benefits are lower than industry standard.

When I was hired for my current role (full-time, salary) part of my contract stipulated that after one year of employment I would be guaranteed a cash bonus. This bonus was not dependent on performance or a review, just that I needed to be working at the company for 1 year.

The team recently underwent a series of lay-offs, and while I wasn’t laid-off, my hours were cut pretty drastically. I haven’t signed an updated contract. My one year anniversary at this company is coming up in a couple of weeks and I haven’t heard anything about my bonus. Should I ask if it’s still guaranteed? Do I have any recourse if he says that it’s no longer available? The bonus was a big reason why I took the job because the salary and benefits are lower than industry standard.

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