
Boss didn’t hire new employee because of their “hobbies outside of work”

The title really says it all. We interviewed a candidate today for a position and my boss says she's not a good fit for the company since she likes to game outside of work. My boss states that he wants a well rounded person and doesn't want someone who plays games when they go home for the day. Idk seems kind of messed up to me. What someone does with their free time has no business being discussed or judged in the workplace.

The title really says it all. We interviewed a candidate today for a position and my boss says she's not a good fit for the company since she likes to game outside of work. My boss states that he wants a well rounded person and doesn't want someone who plays games when they go home for the day.

Idk seems kind of messed up to me. What someone does with their free time has no business being discussed or judged in the workplace.

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