
Boss Fires Me Behind My Back After I Asked to be a Temp

For some background, I worked for a private company escorting mobile homes. I am in the process of preparing to move out of state (moving this September). A couple of months ago, I asked my boss, who was already in the process of training another escort driver for my position for when I move, to be a temporary escort driver rather than a full time driver so I can have time to prepare for a 800 mile move out of the state (a temporary escort driver covers the full time driver during their off days). He got mad about this and called me lazy. Without even telling me personally, he tells my landlord, who does yard work for him and was the one who initially got me the job, that he will never have me work for him and that he should raise the rent on me and my roommates…

For some background, I worked for a private company escorting mobile homes. I am in the process of preparing to move out of state (moving this September). A couple of months ago, I asked my boss, who was already in the process of training another escort driver for my position for when I move, to be a temporary escort driver rather than a full time driver so I can have time to prepare for a 800 mile move out of the state (a temporary escort driver covers the full time driver during their off days). He got mad about this and called me lazy.

Without even telling me personally, he tells my landlord, who does yard work for him and was the one who initially got me the job, that he will never have me work for him and that he should raise the rent on me and my roommates (in retaliation). I currently do side work for my landlord and he constantly tells him that he shouldn't let me do any work for him, but it is completely disregarded by my landlord. My landlord tells me everything.

I'm honestly not mad about it at all considering my boss constantly picks on me, has threatened me in the past multiple times, and has been nothing but controlling. I was paid $0.65 per loaded mile (which was a decent check every week). I miss the pay, but I don't miss the constant mental manipulation that he has put me through.

I've been much happier since I was secretly fired and had more time to plan for this move.

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