
boss gets into christianity and hold me accountable?

My boss used to be cool and tell me I did a good job and I felt motivated. He was open about things then one day I feel like everyones out to get me and he says we'll its just a job. Not to me I have mental issues and responsibilities. I was slacking I'm not gonna lie taking too long of breaks but everyone was trying to screw me over saying things like I stink then suspended me for smoking bathroom and I dont even smoke and said they would take further action but there's no way to prove I didn't do it then said it sensor went off and that thats proof even though I said machines are fallible. He's apparently joined church takes drone pictures for church and his wife plays and sings at church on piano. But he said things like your not doing your job…

My boss used to be cool and tell me I did a good job and I felt motivated. He was open about things then one day I feel like everyones out to get me and he says we'll its just a job. Not to me I have mental issues and responsibilities. I was slacking I'm not gonna lie taking too long of breaks but everyone was trying to screw me over saying things like I stink then suspended me for smoking bathroom and I dont even smoke and said they would take further action but there's no way to prove I didn't do it then said it sensor went off and that thats proof even though I said machines are fallible. He's apparently joined church takes drone pictures for church and his wife plays and sings at church on piano. But he said things like your not doing your job that's fraud and quotes the bible on how it's not right to lie and that I'm not fulfilling promised duties. Don't know what to do from here? Can I get good with my boss again?

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