
Boss has made snide remarks about how I make more than him

Does this happen to anyone else? Just FYI – I work at a startup and as far as I know, it's fairly common for the directors of the company (one of them being my boss) to pay themselves less because they need to keep a decent pot of money for hiring talented people. Also, they hold the majority of the shares so if the company does well, then theyre set for life. But my boss has made several remarks now when I make any sort of comment on my workload that I “get paid more than (him), so not sure what you're complaining about”. Also has made similar comments about how all the other employees take more annual leave than he does. I didn't even choose my salary or how many annual leave days we're allowed to have?! What on earth is an appropriate response to this without sounding like…

Does this happen to anyone else? Just FYI – I work at a startup and as far as I know, it's fairly common for the directors of the company (one of them being my boss) to pay themselves less because they need to keep a decent pot of money for hiring talented people. Also, they hold the majority of the shares so if the company does well, then theyre set for life. But my boss has made several remarks now when I make any sort of comment on my workload that I “get paid more than (him), so not sure what you're complaining about”. Also has made similar comments about how all the other employees take more annual leave than he does. I didn't even choose my salary or how many annual leave days we're allowed to have?!

What on earth is an appropriate response to this without sounding like a d*ck and making my boss get annoyed and hate me??

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