
Boss hasn’t scheduled me and won’t talk to me

I'm only scheduled to work 4 days a week because I'm also a full time student, so on Sunday during my last shift I was scheduled to work the full day but was told to finish early because we were overstaffed, then I didn't get my schedule for the upcoming week (we usually get our schedules every Sunday, sometimes as late as Wednesday if we're scheduled for later in the week). I messaged my boss a few days later to make sure he actually sent the roster but he didn't respond, so I decided if he wasn't going to talk to me over the phone then I'd have to talk to him face to face. Thursday comes up where I'm usually scheduled all the time without a problem so I go into work hoping to catch my boss since he comes in early to open up before me and the…

I'm only scheduled to work 4 days a week because I'm also a full time student, so on Sunday during my last shift I was scheduled to work the full day but was told to finish early because we were overstaffed, then I didn't get my schedule for the upcoming week (we usually get our schedules every Sunday, sometimes as late as Wednesday if we're scheduled for later in the week). I messaged my boss a few days later to make sure he actually sent the roster but he didn't respond, so I decided if he wasn't going to talk to me over the phone then I'd have to talk to him face to face.

Thursday comes up where I'm usually scheduled all the time without a problem so I go into work hoping to catch my boss since he comes in early to open up before me and the other opener get in. He wasn't there surprise surprise, so I clock on and immediately get a call from him. The conversation goes like this:

Boss: Hey, you're not scheduled to work today, I'm training someone new

Me: Oh, so when's my next shift?

Boss: *pause* I'll call you about it tonight.

Did he call me about it? Nope. I could be overreacting, but even if he did give up my shifts to train somebody, I don't understand why he had to give up all my shifts for the week. Since then I have messaged him once to tell him my availabilities for the upcoming week.

was supposed to receive next week's schedule today but once again I've heard nothing from my boss. I've considered just straight up asking him if I still have a job. My boss is definitely someone who doesn't like conflict and avoids these types of situations but I feel like I have a right to know if I'm still working for him or not

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