
Boss is asking for 2 months notice?

I work at an after school program for kids. I'm the first full time position they've had and my boss relies heavily on me. I have a lot of problems with this job but my boss is very nice. Given that I get no extended benefits and the wages are not preferable, I've been looking for other options. Of course, no other employer is going to wait out the two months. Do I give notice now, even though I don't have anything else lined up yet? I'm trying not to feel guilty about the possibility of burning this bridge in the future by leaving without the notice they've asked for.

I work at an after school program for kids. I'm the first full time position they've had and my boss relies heavily on me. I have a lot of problems with this job but my boss is very nice. Given that I get no extended benefits and the wages are not preferable, I've been looking for other options. Of course, no other employer is going to wait out the two months.

Do I give notice now, even though I don't have anything else lined up yet? I'm trying not to feel guilty about the possibility of burning this bridge in the future by leaving without the notice they've asked for.

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