
Boss is demanding that I do work over the weekend.

I work as an IT professional at a small college and part of my job is taking care of student tickets, usually resetting passwords or giving students information. These tickets sometimes come in over the weekend, however, since I don't check my work email when I'm not at work they usually build up and I have a routine of spending every Monday morning taking care of all the student tickets from the weekend. Recently, my boss has begun insisting that student tickets be taken care of within 24 hours of being submitted even if I they come in during the weekend. At first I simply ignored him, I'm not going to work off the clock, but recently he has been sending me emails where he states more firmly that it has to be done over the weekend. I am not being offered any overtime pay for this nor is it…

I work as an IT professional at a small college and part of my job is taking care of student tickets, usually resetting passwords or giving students information. These tickets sometimes come in over the weekend, however, since I don't check my work email when I'm not at work they usually build up and I have a routine of spending every Monday morning taking care of all the student tickets from the weekend.

Recently, my boss has begun insisting that student tickets be taken care of within 24 hours of being submitted even if I they come in during the weekend. At first I simply ignored him, I'm not going to work off the clock, but recently he has been sending me emails where he states more firmly that it has to be done over the weekend. I am not being offered any overtime pay for this nor is it in my contract that I have any obligation to work after hours. As a matter of fact, it technically isn't in my job description to handle student tickets. I was hired on specifically to handle staff and faculty tickets and only recently started doing student tickets because the guy who used to do them got promoted.

I'm not really sure what to do here. On one hand, I know that I should not have to work over the weekend and it's absurd for my boss to even ask. On the other hand, I'm in a fairly small department and I don't want to create drama or get on anybody's bad side by deciding to silently protest this by not doing weekend tickets.

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