
Boss is mad I was 2 minutes late for work, but keeps coming in hours late

For the record I do have a bad sleep schedule, so I am usually 1-2 minutes late for work and because it’s a very toxic environment that doesn’t pay well, I typically don’t care I’m a few minutes late. But I just think it’s hypocritical he’s mad at me for being a few minutes late, when he’s been coming in at 10 am this entire week. He even called the office at 830 to make sure I was there on time! Like why get so mad when you’re not even following your own rules?! He literally disappears for hours and no one knows what he’s been doing, he’s not working that’s for sure. He’s also been caught doing illegal drugs in his office too. I just cannot with this place lol. It’s a shame all the work from home jobs are going obsolete because I’d always be on time for…

For the record I do have a bad sleep schedule, so I am usually 1-2 minutes late for work and because it’s a very toxic environment that doesn’t pay well, I typically don’t care I’m a few minutes late. But I just think it’s hypocritical he’s mad at me for being a few minutes late, when he’s been coming in at 10 am this entire week.
He even called the office at 830 to make sure I was there on time! Like why get so mad when you’re not even following your own rules?!

He literally disappears for hours and no one knows what he’s been doing, he’s not working that’s for sure.

He’s also been caught doing illegal drugs in his office too.

I just cannot with this place lol.

It’s a shame all the work from home jobs are going obsolete because I’d always be on time for those lol.

Has this ever happened to you?

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