
Boss is Removing WFH

My boss is forcing everyone back into the office full time and had the audacity to tell us the “vacation is over”. We work 40 hours a week and sometimes put in overtime. Going into the office is gonna add 1.5 hours to my day and cost me a few thousand a year. Plus, it's gonna ruin my mental health that's been improving gradually the past several months since going WFH. :/ I can do everything from home, why don't bosses just allow us to do our job and be happy at the same time?

My boss is forcing everyone back into the office full time and had the audacity to tell us the “vacation is over”. We work 40 hours a week and sometimes put in overtime. Going into the office is gonna add 1.5 hours to my day and cost me a few thousand a year. Plus, it's gonna ruin my mental health that's been improving gradually the past several months since going WFH. :/ I can do everything from home, why don't bosses just allow us to do our job and be happy at the same time?

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