
Boss is talking about declaring bankruptcy and I haven’t been paid yet

On mobile so apologies for any formatting issues. My boss told me the other day that he's thinking of declaring bankruptcy. Honestly it's overdue. But the way he is planning to go about this will absolutely screw the business's previous owner, as he's still paying off a personal loan to him. Meanwhile I still haven't been paid for my work last month. I have bills due. I feel like an idiot for sticking it out here as long as I have and I just want to get my paycheck and quit. Boss tells me there's an accounting issue and it will take me “a little longer” to get paid. Feeling a bit trapped now. If this guy is willing to screw over the business's previous owner, he wouldn't have a problem doing the same to me. This is a very small business and there's no one else I can go…

On mobile so apologies for any formatting issues.

My boss told me the other day that he's thinking of declaring bankruptcy. Honestly it's overdue. But the way he is planning to go about this will absolutely screw the business's previous owner, as he's still paying off a personal loan to him.

Meanwhile I still haven't been paid for my work last month. I have bills due. I feel like an idiot for sticking it out here as long as I have and I just want to get my paycheck and quit. Boss tells me there's an accounting issue and it will take me “a little longer” to get paid. Feeling a bit trapped now. If this guy is willing to screw over the business's previous owner, he wouldn't have a problem doing the same to me. This is a very small business and there's no one else I can go to about payroll issues.

I'm sorry if this kind of post isn't really allowed here. I lurk a lot and this seemed like the best place to go to for advice. Just kinda freaking out right now.

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