
Boss is trying to lowball me on a new position

One of my best friends (whom I also worked with) recently quit from the job we had. She was in a different role than me, and my boss looked for a replacement but couldn't find one she liked, so she offered me the position as I'm technically the next step down and have the highest seniority. When she initially sat me down to offer me the role she didn't have salary numbers at the time, but I accepted believing she would pay me at the same the previous person had since we both have the same experience, have been here about as long (she had me beat by 2 months) and are both learning the role from the ground up. However she just emailed me salary figures and lo and behold it's about $900 a year less than what my predecessor was making. To me that's no small amount. In…

One of my best friends (whom I also worked with) recently quit from the job we had. She was in a different role than me, and my boss looked for a replacement but couldn't find one she liked, so she offered me the position as I'm technically the next step down and have the highest seniority. When she initially sat me down to offer me the role she didn't have salary numbers at the time, but I accepted believing she would pay me at the same the previous person had since we both have the same experience, have been here about as long (she had me beat by 2 months) and are both learning the role from the ground up. However she just emailed me salary figures and lo and behold it's about $900 a year less than what my predecessor was making. To me that's no small amount. In the end of my bosses email they said “if you have questions feel free to come talk” and you had better believe my intent is to go in and go “so I know (my friend) was making y when you offered me x, why are we not being offered the same?” And then going down that rabbit hole. If she refuses to put me at the same pay I'm either going to inform her I don't want the position then and will happily stay in my current role, or worst case I may well have to quit which would really put me in trouble but if the money isn't offered and she won't let me keep my current job then I'll have no other option. Why do bosses gotta suck so much?

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