
boss keeps whatsapping at insane hours

I work about 3 hours a day unpaid overtime. Onto of that, my boss regularly sends whatsapp messages asking unnecessary work questions at ridiculous hours. Case in point, this evening he messages at 21:30, yesterday at 22:00 – for questions which a. Are irrelevant and b. Can be asked in the morning. I have ignored them in the past – which resulted him in saying I am expected to be available 24/7… which is crazy. I have a PhD and would have thought that there would be at least some form of respect by now.

I work about 3 hours a day unpaid overtime. Onto of that, my boss regularly sends whatsapp messages asking unnecessary work questions at ridiculous hours. Case in point, this evening he messages at 21:30, yesterday at 22:00 – for questions which a. Are irrelevant and b. Can be asked in the morning.

I have ignored them in the past – which resulted him in saying I am expected to be available 24/7… which is crazy.

I have a PhD and would have thought that there would be at least some form of respect by now.

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