
Boss literally ignores me and expects me to be an expert in things with no training.

I work for a small-medium sized company, that does not have its shit together whatsoever. I got a new boss last year and it’s been literally anxiety inducing and hellish signing on daily – there is like 0 communication I literally had to ask for a 1:1 which she will often not come to or push out, and when she does attend I can just hear her typing and not listening or helping/guiding me at all. When I email her she’ll ignore it for weeks same with Slack messages or calls. She’s all over the place and is not really great at training when she even offers to help with anything (which is very rare). She does not ask or care about my workload and she puts me on multiple big projects that I am not really trained on and just expects me to figure things out – I feel…

I work for a small-medium sized company, that does not have its shit together whatsoever. I got a new boss last year and it’s been literally anxiety inducing and hellish signing on daily – there is like 0 communication I literally had to ask for a 1:1 which she will often not come to or push out, and when she does attend I can just hear her typing and not listening or helping/guiding me at all. When I email her she’ll ignore it for weeks same with Slack messages or calls. She’s all over the place and is not really great at training when she even offers to help with anything (which is very rare). She does not ask or care about my workload and she puts me on multiple big projects that I am not really trained on and just expects me to figure things out – I feel like every day I sign on I’m being set up for failure. She rarely gives me feedback and it feels like she’s just judging me and my work constantly.

I cannot stand working with her – the lack of communication, empathy, guidance and just feeling like I’m lost at sea daily makes me so unhappy. And she’s not even the kind of person you can talk to; like I cannot come to her genuinely and respectfully tell her I feel this way and desperately want to resolve this somehow. I don’t need my boss to babysit me but just a little tiny bit of help or guidance would go such a long way.

How do you guys deal with bosses like this? I can feel myself starting to quiet quit because I cannot take the stress anymore.

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