
Boss made it seem like I was replaceable…

So I worked for a school district and I did my best to be an asset. I was also the lowest paid person there, even people who were hired after me were paid better because of my position. So I was talking to my boss about how I was thinking about leaving. He basically told me I was replaceable. Shortly there-after someone higher up left, leaving an opportunity to move up. Now I wasn't mad I didn't get the Analyst position, nor the specialist position, they filled the positions with someone better than me and I do not fault them for that. But when it came down to the site support position they passed on me. That is an entry level position of the department. My position was a step lower, also entry level. So once it was made clear that I wasn't valued there, I stopped trying. I started…

So I worked for a school district and I did my best to be an asset. I was also the lowest paid person there, even people who were hired after me were paid better because of my position. So I was talking to my boss about how I was thinking about leaving. He basically told me I was replaceable. Shortly there-after someone higher up left, leaving an opportunity to move up. Now I wasn't mad I didn't get the Analyst position, nor the specialist position, they filled the positions with someone better than me and I do not fault them for that. But when it came down to the site support position they passed on me. That is an entry level position of the department. My position was a step lower, also entry level.

So once it was made clear that I wasn't valued there, I stopped trying. I started applying to job postings and ended up with competing offers. Never felt more valued before. Was able to get a 20% raise, better benefits, nearly the same PTO, and work from home. Doing the same type of work, however it will be better because of the client base.

Anyway when I was very open that I was about to put my two weeks in, the application specialist (not the new one) was panicked. Hell they even said this was the best year they have had (ticket wise). I had picked up alot of responsibilities. I know for sure that it isn't going to be easy to give to a new helpdesk position, especially when the pay is the same as working at mcdonalds.

Welp I checked the job posting and suprise suprise, It is still up a month later. And like I really don't know what my ex-boss was thinking saying it was easy to hire this role. The posting was up for a couple months back when I got hired on. No one wants to work this type of job in person.

TLDR: Boss says I was replaceable, found out he was replaceable.

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