
Boss micromanages. Coworker overreport to piss boss off. Should I follow my coworker’s step?

Three people left before I joined due to my boss. She loves to micromanage. We hired my new coworker way after me. My coworker is older and has more work experience in our field than I do, but I have more experience in this specific job. My boss hates me because I give her evil stares for micromanaging me. My coworker noticed she’s being micromanaged and loves to OVERREPORT. She would go on and talk about every little interaction she had with anyone to make my boss know that she’s working. She mentions every little thing she does – explaining all the silly steps that we all know. I love my coworker. Anyway, my boss has been so pissed lately and telling my coworker she has been wasting too much time explaining. My boss even told me that coworker is wasting time. Should I imitate my boss?

Three people left before I joined due to my boss. She loves to micromanage. We hired my new coworker way after me. My coworker is older and has more work experience in our field than I do, but I have more experience in this specific job.

My boss hates me because I give her evil stares for micromanaging me. My coworker noticed she’s being micromanaged and loves to OVERREPORT. She would go on and talk about every little interaction she had with anyone to make my boss know that she’s working. She mentions every little thing she does – explaining all the silly steps that we all know. I love my coworker.

Anyway, my boss has been so pissed lately and telling my coworker she has been wasting too much time explaining. My boss even told me that coworker is wasting time. Should I imitate my boss?

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