
Boss not letting coworkers attend funeral

I no longer work at this place, but am still close with two of my ex coworkers. Recently there was a tragic incident that led to the death of one of the ex coworkers family members. I was told by the other ex coworker that the boss refuses to close the office to let the staff go to support the grieving coworker. Are they allowed to just “sorry, but no.” Everyone? This person has worked here for years, as well as the others and they’re very close. I find it kind of disgusting considering everything else this place has done recently. Everyone wants to be there to support this amazing person, but they’re being told no. I will definitely be going, but I’m very sad the rest can’t attend.

I no longer work at this place, but am still close with two of my ex coworkers. Recently there was a tragic incident that led to the death of one of the ex coworkers family members. I was told by the other ex coworker that the boss refuses to close the office to let the staff go to support the grieving coworker. Are they allowed to just “sorry, but no.” Everyone? This person has worked here for years, as well as the others and they’re very close. I find it kind of disgusting considering everything else this place has done recently. Everyone wants to be there to support this amazing person, but they’re being told no. I will definitely be going, but I’m very sad the rest can’t attend.

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