
Boss pissing me off

I work childcare and My boss is just a nightmare. She's fake nice, plays favorites,talks shit about coworkers who are not at site that day. If we have issues we can't go to her cause she won't do anything. She promised me she'd fight for me to get a raise. But only helped her favorite get one (this coworker is lazy and just as bad). We had one guy leave to become head of another site and she talks shit about him. I had a cool idea for the total solar eclipse next year where we do space week and an eclipse party. She said it was a good idea. But then told her boss it was her idea. She had no idea that there was an eclipse. The worst part of it all is how she is with the kid. Again she has favorites then is so mean to…

I work childcare and My boss is just a nightmare. She's fake nice, plays favorites,talks shit about coworkers who are not at site that day. If we have issues we can't go to her cause she won't do anything. She promised me she'd fight for me to get a raise. But only helped her favorite get one (this coworker is lazy and just as bad). We had one guy leave to become head of another site and she talks shit about him. I had a cool idea for the total solar eclipse next year where we do space week and an eclipse party. She said it was a good idea. But then told her boss it was her idea. She had no idea that there was an eclipse.
The worst part of it all is how she is with the kid. Again she has favorites then is so mean to kids who did nothing wrong. The kids will be like “what did we do?” Yesterday she took a little girl's cat plushie. The kid was not distractited nor distracting with the toy.
I can't go to her boss because my boss has sucked up to her. I only stay because I love the kids I work with.

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