I work for the federal government. To keep the story small, I was forced into OT I didn't agree to so I left the job after completing my hours. They claimed “insubordination” even though I told them I was leaving because I met my hours already. They then proceeded to pull me into meetings forcefully at work 3 straight days in a row after I told them I was going to take time to organize my thoughts on the situation and they were going to pay me for it. I was then verbally assaulted in 2 meetings about my performance on risk decisions I made where I was justified logically on both grounds. Then they tried to force me into saying I was leaving in a meeting. I said “I quit” as a way to get out of the meeting not that I was done working “I quit” could mean a number of things related to I'm quitting this meeting, I quit being here, etc. Then without my approval I was notified that I had officially resigned? Going to court now as well as filing a harassment case lol