For context, my company’s entire structure is changing in the new year. My team consisted of me (a coordinator) and a manager, who reported up. They handled dealing with our clients directly and deciding strategies and project ideas. I was basically told what projects needed done and completed them. We have a great flow and I have taken on a considerable amount of leadership since I started around a year ago. Mostly because I’ve enjoyed the work, but also because I was told in the new year I would be offered a more senior role.
My manager is being promoted to an operations position, but my position is not changing in title, and neither will my pay save COL/“merit based” raises. There will be no new hires. However, I will now be expected to perform all of my former manager’s duties, plus my usual duties, for the same compensation. Aside from the obvious unfairness of that (our salary differences amount to somewhere north of $25k) our client list is supposed to “rapidly expand”, meaning my already high workload is going to increase exponentially and I will now be operating as both positions. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day and it seems I’m being set up for failure.
This was all discussed in my performance review, where I was told how “crucial” I am to the team and all sorts of lip service. They were careful to avoid any words that pertained to the title of my manager’s position when talking about what I would be doing.
I have another meeting with my manager and their supervisor. I hope to eloquently state my concerns and dissatisfaction in a constructive way. Any phrases I should avoid? Words to definitely use? I overall really enjoy my job and don’t want to have to find another, but I feel disrespected. This is my first job where I’ve experienced anything like this, so some guidance on how to approach is appreciated.