
Boss told me that the company flagged me as “high risk”

My boss came by my desk to congratulate me for my 3 year anniversary with the company. That’s when he said the company flagged me as “high risk” which requires him to have a conversation with me. He elaborated that it means I’m “high risk” in terms of leaving the company for another job, because I guess after 3 years and having recently changed jobs within the company, I’m statistically likely to leave any day now. And they didn’t mention it but I can’t help but wonder if I’m also “high risk” because I told one of the managers that I was updating my resume since my roles changed. Anyway, the “conversation” he was required by policy to have with me was about what’s on my wish list of things I want the company to give me or do for me that would convince me to stay. And surprise, surprise,…

My boss came by my desk to congratulate me for my 3 year anniversary with the company. That’s when he said the company flagged me as “high risk” which requires him to have a conversation with me. He elaborated that it means I’m “high risk” in terms of leaving the company for another job, because I guess after 3 years and having recently changed jobs within the company, I’m statistically likely to leave any day now. And they didn’t mention it but I can’t help but wonder if I’m also “high risk” because I told one of the managers that I was updating my resume since my roles changed.

Anyway, the “conversation” he was required by policy to have with me was about what’s on my wish list of things I want the company to give me or do for me that would convince me to stay. And surprise, surprise, rule #1 is that it can’t be money. Can’t be a raise, can’t be a bonus. I guess they expect me to ask for a nicer chair or a Chili’s gift card.

Ironically there’s a number of things I could ask for that will cost the company money, yet something about directly giving me that money doesn’t sit well with them. And it’s especially frustrating since I had to fight, over the course of 4 meetings, just to get them to keep paying me the same wage as my last role, after they offered me less money when offering me this role which is literally a full pay grade higher than my last role. But that’s a whole different rant.

I can’t be too mad at my boss here, as he’s basically the messenger here and is just doing his job with no power to change the policy. It’s just so comically predictable that even when a company is being proactive about retaining workers, a raise is always out of the question. Multibillion dollar company by the way.

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