
Boss Upset I Didn’t Accept Promotion

Hi everyone, So I started at this company as an intern for a 4th month contract. The company decided to extend my contract with a pay raise for 6 months, which I happily accepted. Then last month my boss asked me if I wanted another contract extension for 3 months and I said sure why not. Two days ago, my boss told me an employee quit, so they wanted to know if I would accept another 3-6 month contract doing both my current role and taking on that old employees responsibilities. She said their “might” be extra compensation and we would work out how my responsibilities would be divided and I would report to her and this new manager. When I asked if I could express interest in the role and then see a contract/get details, my boss said I had to accept first and had a day to respond.…

Hi everyone,

So I started at this company as an intern for a 4th month contract. The company decided to extend my contract with a pay raise for 6 months, which I happily accepted.

Then last month my boss asked me if I wanted another contract extension for 3 months and I said sure why not.

Two days ago, my boss told me an employee quit, so they wanted to know if I would accept another 3-6 month contract doing both my current role and taking on that old employees responsibilities.

She said their “might” be extra compensation and we would work out how my responsibilities would be divided and I would report to her and this new manager. When I asked if I could express interest in the role and then see a contract/get details, my boss said I had to accept first and had a day to respond.

Mulling it over, I had no idea what this role would be and if it'd be too much work. I told my boss no and she set up a meeting basically saying “were dissapointed in you and this would be a good opportunity to expand your skillset”

I told her that while I appreciated the consideration I wanted to focus on my current role. My boss then was like “conversations with senior management are already starting” which I don't know what that means.

Then she asked me okay what about ANOTHER 3 month extension with just my current role and I told her I'd need time to think (probably should have just said yes but I was kinda flustered with the info dump).

Anyway, now I feel bad and think management hates me. I honestly probably wanted to explore options outside of this job anyway, but I'm worried I've burnt a bridge.

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