
Boss wants me to prioritize work over cancer

I am so sick of the people I work with but lately their insanity has been keeping me up more than usual at night. I work at a chiropractic clinic as a rehab assistant where I have been for a year. My boss is an old white guy who thinks he is doing God's work by “curing” people of all their pain. He makes us chant really weird, awkward mantras before every shift. I've disliked working there from the start but it pays pretty decently so I've kept working there although I've been keeping an eye out for other opportunities along the way. About 6 months into working there (January 2023) I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. At first, my boss seemed understanding, and we worked together to put plans in place so the front desk person could do my basic duties on days I wasn't there (we…

I am so sick of the people I work with but lately their insanity has been keeping me up more than usual at night. I work at a chiropractic clinic as a rehab assistant where I have been for a year. My boss is an old white guy who thinks he is doing God's work by “curing” people of all their pain. He makes us chant really weird, awkward mantras before every shift. I've disliked working there from the start but it pays pretty decently so I've kept working there although I've been keeping an eye out for other opportunities along the way.
About 6 months into working there (January 2023) I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. At first, my boss seemed understanding, and we worked together to put plans in place so the front desk person could do my basic duties on days I wasn't there (we only have a 4 person office so it's very hard to find coverage). Although cancer has made me mentally and emotionally drained at times, I have been able to keep most debilitating side affects at bay (other than lower energy levels). Because of this I haven't missed a day of work other than the one day a week (which I planned to be on our half-day at work) that I have chemotherapy treatments. I am still working about 35 hours and getting all of my work done. I still feel like I am able to positively engage with every patient despite all of this, and the patients have been very supportive.
Now that it is towards the end of my chemo, I feel that the doctor started to “blame” me for us not having as high volume of patients (although more likely it was due to not having a second doctor like we had in the past, and the front desk girl quitting and it taking a month for us to find a new one). He hasn't said as much, but I just feel like he has some animosity towards my condition. He has asked me to not talk about my cancer to patients as much (even though they are the ones to bring it up). Then yesterday he said he felt like I wasn't “prioritizing” the job as #1 and that obviously my health has to come first, but he can tell my performance hasn't been the same.
News flash arsehat: I will never prioritize this job over my health, family, and other passions in life. And no one should be expected to! I am doing my job to the best of my abilities, but now I am being made to feel ashamed of the work I do because it has caused a very minor inconvenience to him. Just because his sole focus in life is chiropractic dies not mean he should expect everyone else to be so invested in his business!
In the moment, I didn't know what to say and just ended up staying mostly silent, but I am not sure if I should say something? Quit? It's hard right now because I have surgery in a couple months and I know I'll be out for a while so I don't want to subject a new job to that…

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