
Bosses throw fits of rage over the smallest inconveniences or misunderstandings. Should I leave or stick it out?

Hey all. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Need some advice. I recently got hired as a salesman at a small flooring store back in April. The hours are nice and the pay has good potential, but the one thing that throws me off really badly is that the owners, father and son, completely blow up over small things and it makes the work environment very hostile. I dread coming into work most days on account that I still have to interact with my bosses regularly since I’m still training. I can never tell if what i’m going to say will be received well or not. Its gotten to the point where I hold off on turning things in as long as possible in case I accidentally made a mistake and they start screaming over something that could be fixed easily with a bit of guidance. The family…

Hey all. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Need some advice.

I recently got hired as a salesman at a small flooring store back in April. The hours are nice and the pay has good potential, but the one thing that throws me off really badly is that the owners, father and son, completely blow up over small things and it makes the work environment very hostile. I dread coming into work most days on account that I still have to interact with my bosses regularly since I’m still training. I can never tell if what i’m going to say will be received well or not. Its gotten to the point where I hold off on turning things in as long as possible in case I accidentally made a mistake and they start screaming over something that could be fixed easily with a bit of guidance.

The family that owns the store work together and frequently get into screaming matches with the staff and each other, vulgarly berating their target. While most days aren’t terrible, one small thing can make the day horrendous even though it could easily be fixed. For example, while building a quote for a customer with my boss, i neglected to add labor costs into the quote before sending it, and I asked if the quote looked good, and my boss responded with a very aggressive “Why the fuck would you not add labor? I dont fucking work for free, you need to fucking add that shit in,” then slamming his binder down on the desk. It doesnt sound too bad but when its constant aggression, it weighs down in morale.

They constantly berate the installers, who berate the owners back. They berate the owners wife who works here as well. I feel like its just the culture if the workplace but its just so hostile for no reason. Am I overreacting for wanting to leave ASAP? Is this shit normal? I’ve never worked in any environment like this and its really making learning and improving difficult. No one to express my concerns to except for the bosses in question. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated.

Edit: the owner is nowhere near as bad as his son who’s directly beneath him. The owner is 70 and will retire soon, and when the son takes over, I feel like this place will go to shit really quickly. I feel bad leaving because they’ve invested a lot of money with resources for training; more than the average employee

Edit 2: The reason I dont leave immediately is because of my one year old at home. I need to make decent money as the sole provider and this job could be that if not for the toxic environment

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