
Broke my thumb and fired a week later! OHSA/DOJ violation?

GA I broke my thumb on the job and was put on light duty with “no use of damaged hand” I contacted the manager immediately after the accident. He never asked if I was okay all that was said was “can you finish the job” and “how did you do that” I went to the er and confirmed my thumb shattered. The following day I updated my manager to let them know it’s broken not dislocated. I asked them if there is work I can do that works with my restriction so I don’t miss time and still get paid. (Blue collar work) very nastily said “besides paperwork we don’t have anything to do so we’re not going to keep you on the clock when you can’t do the work” I said okay, I’d like to start a workers comp claim. A week later and a failed firing attempt (a…

I broke my thumb on the job and was put on light duty with “no use of damaged hand” I contacted the manager immediately after the accident. He never asked if I was okay all that was said was “can you finish the job” and “how did you do that” I went to the er and confirmed my thumb shattered. The following day I updated my manager to let them know it’s broken not dislocated. I asked them if there is work I can do that works with my restriction so I don’t miss time and still get paid. (Blue collar work) very nastily said “besides paperwork we don’t have anything to do so we’re not going to keep you on the clock when you can’t do the work” I said okay, I’d like to start a workers comp claim. A week later and a failed firing attempt (a few days prior) I heard the assistant manager and the manger talking saying “he doesn’t get points on his license for a tag ticket- the manager response was “We have to find something.” (That was the only part of the conversation I heard) I was fired for a “safety violation”

This place has terrible management. High employee turnover rate
The service manager taught us an improper method of the work we were doing for “efficiency” after being taught this method and BSing around with the assist manager and the service manager about “peeling a tire” they used this for the reason of my termination. I was called into the office with the district manager on the phone who started an investigation of peeling the tire. They sent me home until the completion of the investigation. An hour later they called me and said the investigation is complete and we are moving forward with termination. Seems to be a predestined firing to me.

Is this not the definition of retaliation???

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