
Building a mountain out of a mole hill

I want to post a screen shot so bad, but I can’t wait till Sunday, lol. So I just got off a 32 hour shift, while having worked 74 hours this week, and my supervisor texted me: “Hey, thanks for doing overnight last night. But make sure your cleaning up before you leave. (Employee) came into this. [picture showing 2 empty cans and 2 dirty cups] She was upset. There’s a checklist to look over before you leave to make sure ya do everything! Thanks!” Like bitch, on a scale of 1-10 how big of a deal is this? Maybe a 2 if you want to be a real asshole. Do you really think it’s appropriate to even tell me this? Am I gonna get fired? No? Then maybe shut the fuck up? If I were her I’d try really hard not to laugh at this complaint, and then just…

I want to post a screen shot so bad, but I can’t wait till Sunday, lol. So I just got off a 32 hour shift, while having worked 74 hours this week, and my supervisor texted me:

“Hey, thanks for doing overnight last night. But make sure your cleaning up before you leave. (Employee) came into this.

[picture showing 2 empty cans and 2 dirty cups]

She was upset. There’s a checklist to look over before you leave to make sure ya do everything! Thanks!”

Like bitch, on a scale of 1-10 how big of a deal is this? Maybe a 2 if you want to be a real asshole. Do you really think it’s appropriate to even tell me this? Am I gonna get fired? No? Then maybe shut the fuck up?

If I were her I’d try really hard not to laugh at this complaint, and then just not say anything. Because guess who’s not doing over time again this year? Lol

If my career, all the experience I bring, my willingness to help, and my expertise teeters on the edge of 2 cups and 2 cans then maybe I don’t need you?

If that’s the worst thing that’s going to happen on your shift then you’re going to have a DAMN good day, and if it’s not then soon it will be eclipsed by your next catastrophe.

Like I blame the bitch who made a mountain out of this, but the Gaul my supervisor had to say anything is even worse. She needs to train her employees to lower that expectation rather than tell me I have to work harder.

This event occurred 2/3 of the way into my long ass shift, so I had about a 30 minute window the “properly” clean up, then drive to pick up a client, administer their meds, drive them to work (on time), drive to pick up food for another client, drop that off at their house, drive to another clients house and fix their fire alarm, then drive to pick up another client and take her to work (on time)and job coach her for 3 hours.

Sorry if your 2 cups and 2 cans were forgotten about… Holy shit, I’m getting wasted tonight.

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