
Bullied by a co worker, manager & HR aware. So I quit!

Title says it but the longer story is I (26F) work in a hospital night shift, I work with a woman who is a “difficult personality”, I’ll call her problem co-worker (PC). She’s 67 and she aids in the department but my position is technically above hers, though we all work as a team for the patients. Her and I actually get along very well for the last year I’ve worked here, and I let her bossiness and attitude roll off my back. Back in April & May PC started blatantly avoiding work, everyone on shift noticed it and it was very frustrating, especially since I work with her for all my shifts. I would ask PC to do something (cause she was sitting and avoiding work ) and she would give me attitude and say “don’t forget how long I’ve been here , you’re not my boss!”. PC has…

Title says it but the longer story is I (26F) work in a hospital night shift, I work with a woman who is a “difficult personality”, I’ll call her problem co-worker (PC). She’s 67 and she aids in the department but my position is technically above hers, though we all work as a team for the patients.
Her and I actually get along very well for the last year I’ve worked here, and I let her bossiness and attitude roll off my back. Back in April & May PC started blatantly avoiding work, everyone on shift noticed it and it was very frustrating, especially since I work with her for all my shifts. I would ask PC to do something (cause she was sitting and avoiding work ) and she would give me attitude and say “don’t forget how long I’ve been here , you’re not my boss!”. PC has blown up at me before for small things and can be very passive aggressive. I emailed my manager that PC was avoiding work listed example A,B, C, and that I wanted to be anonymous because I was worried she would retaliate against me. Manager told me she’d handle it. Another co worker, Amy, complained about this person as well. Manager and HR had a meeting with PC, and shit went down hill fast. PC goes off the rails, telling everyone that she’s gonna figure out who complained about her and treat them different, that she knows Amy complained. Next day PC, amy and myself work a shift together, PC wouldn’t acknowledge or talk to Amy about anything not even work related, would just straight up ignore her even in front of patients, it was so ridiculous. At my request I had a meeting with my manager and HR, I tell them what’s going on, they say they’ll handle it. HR has meetings with PC, her bad behavior just keeps getting worse now she’s giving me the silent treatment at work. I had another meeting with my manager and HR, they suggest I talk to PC. Terrible advice, and in hindsight dumb on my end I thought things couldn’t get any worse but they did! I talk one on one with PC, trying to clear the air, I don’t have a problem with her, it was just that she was avoiding work and putting those duties on others who are already busy. PC proceeds to blow up at me, attacking my personality, my character, being very nasty and then says she’s offended by my rainbow pin and waterbottle because I’m bisexual and “ she doesn’t go around talking about how she’s heterosexual, and she doesn’t like things being pushed on her.” For context I work with very few staff members and only PC and one other co worker knew I was Bi, I’m out but I don’t talk about it much at work. I communicate all of this interaction with HR and my manager. Then there’s a big meeting with PC, amy, myself, HR and manager. They basically just tell everyone to be respectful blah blah. Of course the bullying doesn’t end, I’ve been documenting incidents the entire time, and it’s been about 4 months. We had a check in 2 weeks ago, manager was surprised that PC was still treating Amy and I differently in front of patients and staff because we complained about her. Manager says she needs time to think about next steps she’ll follow up. She never communicated with me, she knows I work with PC every shift for most of my shift. She’s never come in on my shift to observe this bad behavior, and I’ve had to initiate most of the check ins and meetings. So Friday I put my notice in. the manager and HR kept telling me “she won’t be allowed to continue to act like that, we’re sorry this is happening, no one should have to work like that” but it’s all talk, for some reason PC is untouchable and I’m over it, gonna go back to traveling for work and make double with less bullshit!

TLDR: Manager and HR have been involved & recognize problem co worker is bullying me and someone else for the past 4 months but won’t actually do anything, so I put my notice in!

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