
Busted My Ass and Told I Can’t Be Trusted

long story short cause I could rant for days about this place. I worked for a large tech/software development company, but my department was genuinely treated like a small team and had our own subculture that was friendly and inviting. I worked as general IT support for them for around 6 months when some incidents occurred and I was promoted to the role in their cybersecurity team, which was now myself and an analyst. I busted my ASS for these guys making below the market value of helpdesk support because having this company and this promotion would have taken off around 5 years off my career and gotten me where I needed to be. Even now, I still support that notion IF you use it to leverage a better position elsewhere, but I definitely should have left by now and done just that. I grinded out on-call without extra pay…

long story short cause I could rant for days about this place.

I worked for a large tech/software development company, but my department was genuinely treated like a small team and had our own subculture that was friendly and inviting. I worked as general IT support for them for around 6 months when some incidents occurred and I was promoted to the role in their cybersecurity team, which was now myself and an analyst.

I busted my ASS for these guys making below the market value of helpdesk support because having this company and this promotion would have taken off around 5 years off my career and gotten me where I needed to be. Even now, I still support that notion IF you use it to leverage a better position elsewhere, but I definitely should have left by now and done just that. I grinded out on-call without extra pay and dealt with the BS of the analyst and even still did my full role in IT Support and even increased productivity on both ends. Essentially, I picked up the slack of a slacking analyst, did over full time tasks of cybersecurity support and IT support. (My advice: the benefits in the future do not outweigh the stress of doing this. If you are tech and run into this situation and are thinking of going for it. Don't). I stayed for the “skipping the boring parts” and getting into the fun stuff I actually liked doing, as well as being friends with the rest of the team and enjoying that culture.

My managers suddenly have a meeting with me that I need to start providing detailed breakdowns of my entire day, every single day, detailing my every move and task. I think it's weird but oblige. Then I noticed my permissions on some of my toolkits have been revoked or reduced, which heavily impacts my ability to do my job. Then, I worked on a development project and were presenting it to my director and one of my managers to get approval to deploy; when I finished they told me “we'll need to have one of the other guys come in and verify everything you just said” when that is not standard procedure here. Similar phrases have shown me that they clearly have 0 trust in me and are pushing me aside. Now that the productivity that I carried has suffered, I am getting complaints and there's talk of performance reviews coming up out of nowhere.

I just don't get it. I never made grandiose mistakes, like literally wiping a critical server, like some of my colleagues make AND I have even single-handedly saved us from loss of infrastructure, data breaches, and ransomware attacks. I've never had fuck ups or arguments with people. I literally show up, do my job*s and go home.

Why the hell am I being treated like this and set up to fail? I can't afford to lose my income.

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