
can I apply for unemployment if I quit due to harassment?

As the title says I quit my job a month ago due to harassment. My manager, over the months, had made me cry and wanted to have friendly conversations even though I didn't. The conversations weren't sexual by any means but he insisted on being friendly when I was uncomfortable. He even went as far as to send me text messages unrelated to work asking if we were ok. I just wasn't comfortable talking to him about other things other than work. He would dangle my job in my face because I was too emotional even though that never caused me to fail at my work. I just took things personally. At most I would stay quiet and not smile so much but my numbers were consistently high. He hated that I wouldn't smile or look at him. Eventually, he threw that in my face and that I was too…

As the title says I quit my job a month ago due to harassment. My manager, over the months, had made me cry and wanted to have friendly conversations even though I didn't. The conversations weren't sexual by any means but he insisted on being friendly when I was uncomfortable. He even went as far as to send me text messages unrelated to work asking if we were ok.
I just wasn't comfortable talking to him about other things other than work. He would dangle my job in my face because I was too emotional even though that never caused me to fail at my work. I just took things personally. At most I would stay quiet and not smile so much but my numbers were consistently high. He hated that I wouldn't smile or look at him. Eventually, he threw that in my face and that I was too complicated to work with. He kept texting me and telling me in person he “really, really likes me” so it was a shame to see me upset over the things he's done. Eventually, I got tired and stood up for myself. I sent him a text message that I will post and he told me to meet him first thing Monday morning. I asked my supervisor who he was close to what that meant and he eventually got back to me saying that he was going to demote me for wanting to be “left alone” by him. I quit because I let my emotions rule over me and I just felt like there was no end of him trying to get what he wants.
I am having trouble finding a job that's worth the pay. HR sucks and kept avoiding my question about a complaint against him. I reached EEOC but I don't have a meeting til May. My options seem very limited.

Can I apply for unemployment?

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