I work in sales for a corporate company. This company is greedy for one. For our services we can sell “upgrades” and “add one”. Since I’m in sales, I don’t get paid as much as the installers.
One day last week my boss pulled me aside and preached how important my job was. He said I was the “gatekeeper” of our department and sales are very important.
Next day I learned everybody got a pay raise in our department but me, since everyone else does the physical labor and installs.(it is dangerous and hard work, I get it) I just make sales and make customers happy.
I also do not get paid commission for the “add ons” and “up grades”. Why should I work harder if the installers get paid more and my boss gets the bonuses? I get absolutely nothing for upselling.
Can I get fired from productivity if I don’t achieve a bonus for my boss?