
Can I opt out of a company event I RSVP’d for?

Would it be terrible to back out of a work event I said I'd go to? Originally we had this top golf event at the office to say farewell to somebody. I initially said no. I have social anxiety and although I put on a good face, I don't really enjoy it. There's big age differences here, I'm the youngest. Even if I stayed here for years, I'd probably not have much to talk about with thes people. There's only gonna be about 7 other people there. It's just a small catered lunch, golf, ect ect. She needed RSVP's for the event because she needed an exact count, and she asked me again a few days ago it I wanted to RSVP. The lady who was asking was a supervisor. This event isn't coming out of anyone's paycheck. The company uses credit cards for luncheons, events, birthday cakes, venues for…

Would it be terrible to back out of a work event I said I'd go to?

Originally we had this top golf event at the office to say farewell to somebody.

I initially said no. I have social anxiety and although I put on a good face, I don't really enjoy it. There's big age differences here, I'm the youngest. Even if I stayed here for years, I'd probably not have much to talk about with thes people.

There's only gonna be about 7 other people there. It's just a small catered lunch, golf, ect ect.

She needed RSVP's for the event because she needed an exact count, and she asked me again a few days ago it I wanted to RSVP. The lady who was asking was a supervisor. This event isn't coming out of anyone's paycheck. The company uses credit cards for luncheons, events, birthday cakes, venues for events, ect ect.

I was in a different mood at the time and for some dumb reason I said yes. Of course now the event is tomorrow and I absolutely don't want to go. It's been a hectic week already for me. Between all these luncheons, the Barbie movie premerie after work Friday(yes it's fun but stressful), and my 6 month anniversary on Saturday, I just really don't wanna spend an extra two hours sweating profusely around people I've worked with for about 4 months tomorrow, wasting time I could've used elsewhere. Like decompressing or something.

Would I be completely terrible if I backed out? Have you ever backed out of an RSVP'd event before? I feel so bad, conditioning I guess, but I have a few hours today if I wanna tell her no.

Hopefully this all made sense. Any advice appreciated.

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