
Can I please just have one manager who doesn’t try and gaslight me?

I’m so sick of managers changing or lying about schedules. It’s happened in every job I’ve had. I’ve just started a new job and saw that the manager changed my shift without asking or telling me. When I questioned her, first it was “the schedule hasn’t changed” then it was “I can assure you it hasn’t changed because all changes are written in pen after printing and your shift is printed” Then when I told her I had a photo of the old schedule with my original shift it became “I would have asked you earlier” and also “You can not take a photo of the schedule, it isn’t something we do.” How can we work for people who lie instinctively to avoid any responsibility?

I’m so sick of managers changing or lying about schedules. It’s happened in every job I’ve had. I’ve just started a new job and saw that the manager changed my shift without asking or telling me. When I questioned her, first it was “the schedule hasn’t changed” then it was “I can assure you it hasn’t changed because all changes are written in pen after printing and your shift is printed”
Then when I told her I had a photo of the old schedule with my original shift it became “I would have asked you earlier” and also “You can not take a photo of the schedule, it isn’t something we do.”

How can we work for people who lie instinctively to avoid any responsibility?

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