
Can I still get unemployment insurnace if I’m fired for poor performance?

I've been struggling at work for the last few months. I think the company is about to fire me. I have proof to show that my manager was picking on me (2 documented instances in informal convo with said manager and a coworker separately). Also there was a point my manager and upper management called me in for a meeting where I was told I was incompetent in my work and unprofessional (because of a typo!). Manager has recently had an issue with typos in my work (despite me having implemented all her tips and tricks and played around with settings). I offered to run my work through a manual spell check, or some other software since my current system isn't working, she said no for security reasons. She refuses to acknowledge progress and makes a small comment overshadowed by the issue of typos. I've been at the company for…

I've been struggling at work for the last few months. I think the company is about to fire me. I have proof to show that my manager was picking on me (2 documented instances in informal convo with said manager and a coworker separately). Also there was a point my manager and upper management called me in for a meeting where I was told I was incompetent in my work and unprofessional (because of a typo!).

Manager has recently had an issue with typos in my work (despite me having implemented all her tips and tricks and played around with settings). I offered to run my work through a manual spell check, or some other software since my current system isn't working, she said no for security reasons. She refuses to acknowledge progress and makes a small comment overshadowed by the issue of typos. I've been at the company for about 1.5 years and she's been on my case about progress for 6 months (issue of typos started before then but she's never mentioned it till about 3 months ago). I'm now at a point where I've progressed content wise but not typos and she's hyperixating on that (and yes I recognize its an issue and I'm proactively trying to address it).

I've been given a verbal (about following time off request policies that were lax before but now only strictly apply to me, one of my documented picking on me issues) and written warning (where I was told I was incompetent and unprofessional verbally because of typos) and I feel I am about to be put on PIP. The company policy says next step is termination for just cause. Would I be able to get unemployment insurance if it gets to that point?

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