
Can I vent

So… My professional work , I was a Draftsman for the Civil sector …in short that carrer wasn't fruitful for me so I left that behind… Wound up getting involved in the mechanical engineering sector as a Technician (with some Autodesk product use here and there) so long story short my yearly review came up today and it was pretty good for a dude that knew nothing in the field.. im striving to be more of a process engineer and essentially and thats also what they invision me doing as well… I make it a point to bridge the gap between the engineering department and the operators on the floor especially since management isn't good at communicating with them and vise versa , im always lending a hand and literally trying to learn everyone's job from top to bottom and 99% of the people I deal with knows this ,…


My professional work , I was a Draftsman for the Civil sector …in short that carrer wasn't fruitful for me so I left that behind…

Wound up getting involved in the mechanical engineering sector as a Technician (with some Autodesk product use here and there)

so long story short my yearly review came up today and it was pretty good for a dude that knew nothing in the field.. im striving to be more of a process engineer and essentially and thats also what they invision me doing as well…

I make it a point to bridge the gap between the engineering department and the operators on the floor especially since management isn't good at communicating with them and vise versa , im always lending a hand and literally trying to learn everyone's job from top to bottom and 99% of the people I deal with knows this , I grind day in and day out to show my worth and much more!

after my review I said can I get a raise and in short it was no…we'll review again in June…so I'm quite pissy about this …

thanks for viewing all thoughts are accepted here lol

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