
Can McDonald withhold my paycheck because it’s “too busy”???

So I had an interview with McDonald and they said they do not do direct deposit and we have to come in and get our checks. Which was whatever to me… but then he said that they get rushes sometimes and he had lots of employees come in during said rushes and management would straight up deny giving them the paycheck and ask them to pick it up either tomorrow or the next time they work because they can’t be bothered to go back and unlock the safe because it gets busy a lot?? Like what if I need MY money urgently?? Can you sue for this??

So I had an interview with McDonald and they said they do not do direct deposit and we have to come in and get our checks. Which was whatever to me… but then he said that they get rushes sometimes and he had lots of employees come in during said rushes and management would straight up deny giving them the paycheck and ask them to pick it up either tomorrow or the next time they work because they can’t be bothered to go back and unlock the safe because it gets busy a lot??
Like what if I need MY money urgently??
Can you sue for this??

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